Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Loyal to Faith


    What is loyalty to faith?  Loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance.  That means you are completely devoted to your faith.  You will defend it in all circumstances.  It means that you are not ashamed in your relationship with Jesus.  You don't care what other people think about it because it is real and true.
    Grace, mercy, and peace come from God.  You see it in your life when you are loyal to Him and His gift of salvation.  You serve Him prayerfully with a clear conscience and thanksgiving.  Remember all that God has done when life appears bleak.  God's power is greater than your circumstances, so do not live in fear.
    Christians' give joy to one another through sincere faith.  It is contagious.  You can't help but find joy when you are around people that have thanksgiving in their heart in all circumstances.  It is a gift from God that is a spark that needs to be fanned to become a flame.  It all starts with prayer and investing in your spiritual gifts.
    When it comes to faith there is no time to be timid.  It is empowered by pure love and self-discipline.  Do not be ashamed to tell the world what God has done for you.  Testify and face what ever you may face.  Embrace suffering if it is for the Gospel because Jesus did for you.  There is no time to become sluggish, embarrassed, or complacent.
    You are called to live a Holy life led by the Holy Spirit marked by boldness.  This is a life of grace and mercy.  That does not ensure an easy life.  It just ensures eternal life that is peaceful.  Death can take your mortal life, but never your soul.  Nothing can crush your soul unless you allow it.  Protect your soul by staying firm in your faith, teaching others, and love like Jesus.  Persevere even when it feels impossible.  

2 Timothy 1

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