Thursday, April 20, 2023



    Be careful what you listen to, so that you will not be tempted to drift away from God.  It can happen slowly.  You may not even realize that you are walking in the world more than the spirit.  Id you neglect your salvation, then you leave yourself vulnerable.  You have to take the time to learn what it is all about.
    Angels are the messengers that bind us to every violation and disobedience to the just punishment.  They are not subject to the world.  They are subject to serve in our best interest and care.  We are just a little lower than them for now, but one day we will be crowned in glory and honor under Jesus.  Angels are meant to help you, you are not meant to help them.
    At the Same time the Holy Spirit works in the heart of those that walk in the Way by faith.  He testifies through signs and wonders, various miracles, and His gifts.  He distributes what He wants according to His will.  We don't get to pick and chose like shopping on line.  This is the foundation of the church.
    Jesus is the author of salvation.  His story was made perfect through his suffering.  It was his suffering that made it where we can be Holy.  If we accept salvation, then we become his siblings.  This is a truth that you can trust with your life.  It is when we gather as a church that we can put that trust into action by uniting with Jesus before God.
    You do not have to be a slave to fear and death.  Jesus' death and resurrection conquered Satan's power over death.  At the same time, Jesus became our mediator for God.  He is there to help us when we are tempted.  He was tempted, so he understands what you are going through and wants to help you overcome it.

Hebrews 2  

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