Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Nature of the Son

    God has spoken to us in various ways, but His meaning behind the message comes through Jesus more than any other way.  He has a clarity about what God was saying more than any of the prophets.  
    Even if the prophets did understand what God was saying, they didn't know the best way to reach all people like Jesus.  They only understood their small portion of the story.  Jesus sees the big picture.  He sees the beginning, history, now, and the future.  He knows what comes after.
    Jesus is radiant glory.  He provided up purification for our sins.  No one else ever could do that.  He sits at God's right hand today making a place for us in His home.  He knows everyone who are his heirs.  He is the one who loves righteousness and hates lawlessness enough to teach us how to put our lives in align with God's desires.  Because of Jesus we are anointed.  He is God's Word fulfilled.
    Jesus is superior to angels.  Angels are ministering spirits, but they still get all that they have from Jesus.  Angels are meant to serve us on the spiritual realm.  They are not meant to be worshipped.  They are guardians, protectors, guides, and more, but they are not Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirits.  They deserve respect, not worship.

Hebrews 1

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