Tuesday, April 18, 2023



    Philemon is the shortest book in the Bible.  It is only one chapter with three sections.  It doesn't use a lot of words to have an impactful message.
    Paul and Timothy wrote Philemon (his wife and son) a letter.  Philemon had a slave run away to find himself becoming friends with Paul  He was a prayerful man. Paul sent the slave back to him knowing that Philemon would do the right thing.  Philemon had the right to flog, beat, brand, chain, or even crucify the slave, but Paul wrote like he knew that he would not harm the man since the man returned on his own accord.
    Philemon became a man that people were thankful for him being in their lives because of his faithfulness and love of people.  In return he was blessed.  He taught an unfair nation how things could be done differently.  The slave left unlawfully, but became a Christian and returned to do what was right.  Philemon was a Christian too, so he was expected to welcome back the slave like family.
    When you are doing your ministry, Philemon is the kind of person you want to be like.  He was an encourager.  There is too much negativity in the world.  Encouraging people is one way that we can really stand out as a Christian.  It is a life giving quality that too people over look or just don't make time to learn.  Through his deeds of forgiveness (like Jesus forgave us), it encouraged the slave to work harder for the master. (Not claiming that slavery is a good thing.)
    Encouragement is needed to do what is right based on love.  It is a good deed done not out of obligation, but free will.  It is a life raft in an ocean of disappointment or despair.   We are indebted to Jesus for our freedom that comes from forgiveness from love.  This dept will never be repaid, but it should lead us to try to take care of each other.  This is how we live out grace.
    Allow people to do good in the world around you.  You don't always have to be in charge.  Allow them to encourage you and you encourage them to grow too.  There is enough work for everyone to have something to do.  All you have to do is trust that they will do their part and then you can focus on your own portion of ministry.  
    Refresh your heart through obedience to Jesus's way of life.  In the process you also refresh the heart of those serving around you.  Work in confidence and prayer.  Be restored and restore.  Be prepared for whatever life throws at you by working together in one spirit: the Holy Spirit.


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