Thursday, April 13, 2023

Struggles for Christians


    God is good.  He knew that to follow Him would invite some hardship into your life, but He did not want anyone to be caught by surprise.  He provided warnings.  As long as you know Him and His Word, then you should be prepared as much as a person can be prepared.
    Life is hard, but Christians face certain things that are unique to them.  We have a certain level of knowledge about what is coming.  We understand that things will get a lot worse before they get better, so that we can keep our joy through the hard times.  He helps the people that need control in their life to understand that they are not in control.  The sooner we accept this the easier it will become to ride out the waves of life.
    The last days for this world will be unimaginably horrible.  The world will be consumed by sin: excessive selfishness, greed, pride, boasting, demeaning, disobedient children, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, slander, no self-control, brutality, traitors, unloving, reckless, conceit, lovers of pleasure over God.  All this will be acceptable and expected.  These are the people are need to avoid because they have already rejected God.  All they can do now is bring us down too.
    There will be no pure and true love.  Basically everyone will be looking out for themselves and no one taking care of each other: Each man for himself life.  Life of deception will thrive and the gullible will be deceived.  The weak will find themselves being controlled with no hope.  Women will be known to live by their passions instead of virtue.  Men will be known for their corruption instead of faith.
    The truth is out there.  People will still know the truth, but will chose to ignore it.  The resist the truth because they are happy with how life is for them.  Faith will be rejected, but folly will be embraced as the way to think and live.  Foolishness will be the way of life.
    Christians must embrace the teachings of the Bible (Jesus), live out their faith openly, and be purpose driven.  We need to live a life of patience, pure and true love, endure the persecution and suffering.  It is all a part of life serving God.  It starts today.  It is a mindset on Jesus to endure because we have already been promised that it will not get better.  It will only get worse for Christians.  If you can't endure the small things, then you are not ready for the big things.
    Don't allow yourself to be deceived.  The only way to live virtuously is to know God's Word, salvation, and living faith.  God's Word is life giving through His teachings, rebuke, correcting, and training to be righteous.  You can be equipped to do good works in all aspects of life.  Never stop learning, growing, and becoming stronger in your faith.  The goal is to be complete (mature) in faith.

2 Timothy 3

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