Sunday, May 28, 2023

Church Types Part 2


    We have gone over the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, and Thyatira.  Those four churches gave us a lot to think about on where we stand in our personal relationship with Jesus.  Today we are going over three more churches.  We should know what kind of Christian we are and what church we fit into by the end.
    John's fifth church he mentioned was the Church of Sardis.  Sardis represents the people that have a reputation of having a full life because of all the work that they do in God's name, but are actually spiritually dead.  These are the people that need to wake up and find strength in repentance and obedience.  Their time is running out.  It is a dangerous game to play with your salvation.  You need to be certain that it is real and worthy.  
    Those that figure it out will be safe with Jesus in Heaven and their name will never be erased from the book of life.  Listen to the Holy Spirit before it is too late.  The rest need to start searching in the right place, so that you can be prepared.  Their fascination with death and immortality will not save their souls.  
    The sixth church is the Church of Philadelphia.  This church constitutes the church that is holy and true Christian community.  It is full of brotherly love and people that embrace the power (authority) of God.  They may be a small church, but no one can stop them.  They are like a train on the go.  It would take a lot to stop their momentum because the love God.  Liars (Satan's false prophets) fall at their feet because they endure patiently for Jesus' return.  They are tested and stand firm in their faith.  No one can take their salvation because they listen to the Holy Spirit.
    The last church that John mentioned is the Church of Laodicea.  This church mirrors the faithful and true Christian community that are composed of witnesses to God's creation.  Their sin is the fact that they are lukewarm in their faith.  This means that they do not push people away from God necessarily, but they definitely do not draw people to God.  They have no power in their faith which makes it worthless.  
    God spits them out because they care more about being self-reliant, than resting in Him.  This just means that instead of investing in your relationship with Jesus, you invest in wretched and pitiful things that make you spiritually blind, poor, and naked.  You may look the part, but you do not fool God.  It is time to repent and embrace discipline for your independence.  
    We need to remember that God only rebukes those that He loves.  That means that not all is lost yet.  It is when He goes silent that we need to be afraid.  If you turn to God now,  then He will open the door to salvation to you.  He will not turn you away, but you are expected to embrace that relationship and become obedient.

Revelations 3

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