Monday, May 29, 2023

Heaven's Throne Room

    John was in Heaven when a door opened.  He didn't comprehend seeing anything at first.  His first memory was of God's powerful voice ordering him to come in so that he could see what must take place.  John's spirit entered the door and saw God on His throne of jasper and carnelian stone.  It reflected light to make it appear to have a rainbow with emerald around it.
    John then notices that God was surrounded by 24 elders dressed in all white sitting on smaller thrones.  There was a sudden flash of lightning and a clap of thunder that came from God's throne.  It miraculously lit seven lamps around God's throne.  The lamps were the seven churches (spirits of the churches).  They were worshipping God.  They casted aside their crowns to honor God.
    In the center of the throne room was four creatures.  The creatures appeared like a lion, ox, man, and eagle, but were not exactly like those creatures at the same time.  They had eyes in the front and back of their head.  They were at each corner of God's throne.  They each had six wings covered in eyes.  The four creatures were singing glory to God to honor and give thanksgiving.  
    It is all about worship and honoring God.  The creatures are angelic creatures that keep an eye on the world.  At the same time they are guardians, not that God needs it, but it is all has a purpose.  Even the rainbow signifies the end of judgment in reference to the flood.  It all has order, meaning, and structure.
Revelations 4

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