Saturday, May 6, 2023

Faith at Work


    Faith is complete trust in God even when you may have no idea what is happening.  Even when life looks bleak, you trust God to be in control.  You believe in Jesus' story even without proof.  The thing that works against faith is the strong desire for sin.
    When you have faith, you work hard to live for God every day.  Sin is what trips you up.  It can be subtle.  It may not even look like sin right away.  One of the subtle sins is favoritism.  It is a subtle form of discrimination.  Whenever you put value in anyone above another person it is sin.  God tells us that we need to show Philadelphia love to everyone.  
    Favoritism works against that because you are making personal judgments that have no value in God's world.  It also displays the fact that you do not believe that God created everyone equal.  It tells the world that you think some people are better than other people.  It reveals a deep rooted hatred or pride in your heart.  Favoritism bias put into action revealing your transgression against God's law of loving everyone like yourself.
    God gave us the law to instill wisdom.  It teaches us what is right and wrong.  Jesus just brought life and clarity to that knowledge enabling it to become wisdom.  Wisdom only works if you put what you know into action.  You have to live out what God teaches you everyday.  Over time you will see that it become mercy which triumphs over judgment.  It is living out your faith in obedience to God's Word.  Obey God and your salvation is proven genuine.  
    Faith without work is dead.  Faith works directly with how you live your life.  Without action behind your declaration of a relationship with Jesus, your faith will never be complete.  The body without the Spirit is dead without faith.  Like in any relationship if you do not put in the time, effort, communication, and love, the relationship will not survive.  Jesus showed us how to do it.  Now all we have to do is mimic him.

James 2

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