Sunday, May 7, 2023

Speak Wisdom Part 2


    Not everyone is meant to be a teacher, but everyone was meant to be a Christian.  You do not have to have the skill set of a teacher to be a Christian.  All you have to do is give your testimony and live a life that is obedient to God.  It will tell the world more than your words do that you are different in a good way.  It tells the world who you love most: Jesus.
    Teachers are judged more strictly than the average Christian.  They are putting themselves in the spotlight to decipher God's Words to those that do not yet understand.  They are responsible for the leadership role that motivates and admonishes other Christians.  A mature Christian may not stumble because they have control over their whole body.  A teacher needs training before they get the role of leadership.
    We all stumble, but when a teacher stumbles it is on display for all who are watching.  The tongue is the hardest thing to control.  It can cause uncontrollable damage if not reined in.  It has the power to burn down everything around the person which means they will get burned too.  False teachers pollute the whole world with lies.  These lies will lead some people straight to hell's fires.  
    It takes practice and wisdom to get control over the tongue that would love to spread evil instead of life.  It is restless because it is the hardest thing to tame.  That is why we must maintain self-control to learn understanding and become wise when we do speak.  We need to learn how to speak blessings instead of curses into the world.  A mature Christian doesn't need to boast or be in the center of attention because they recognize that all the attention goes to God.
    How we live our life reveals a humble Christian or a defiant person.  We may think we are good actors, but we don't fool people.  You might as well be transparent about who you are.  The tongue will reveal any bitterness, envy, self ambition, denial of truth if it dwells in your heart.  These things are not from God.  They are considered demonic because it is an evil practice.
    Godly wisdom, or heavenly wisdom, come from purity, love, consideration, humble submission, mercy, impartiality, sincerity, and fruits of the Spirit.  You are either a peace maker, peace keeper, or mischief maker.  A righteous heart is a peacemaker.  Impassive people (people pleasers) are peace keeper that make no real impact in the world.  Everyone else is defiant to God, so they are mischief makers.  We want righteousness, so we can cultivate peace.

James 3

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