Monday, May 8, 2023

Pride or Humility


    We all have battles that rage within us.  It leaks out when we quarrel or argue.  We need to ask God to remove the root of the battle from you or it may consume you.  Our wicked desires have a way of controlling us and turning into bitterness, rage, or defeat.  We don't have to live that way.  We can fight the pride with humility.
    Humility is when you correct your motives to align with the desire that God has for your life.  It fights pride because it puts God in the center and there is no room for sin when God takes up that space.  We have all sinned.  None of us are perfect, but that does not mean that we should not try to live honestly and humbly for God.  Once you have the right motives that stem from facing yourself and embracing humility, then you will receive anything you ask of God. 
    Selfishness and pride leads to the fallen humanity because of the adulterous lifestyle it embraces.  This lifestyle is adultery against God, not necessarily your spouse.  That means that you put yourself and other relationships before your relationship with God.   This means you chose the world over a relationship with God.  That makes you an enemy of God.  
    God gives us grace to be able to live a humble lifestyle, but for it to work you have to submit to God and resist the Devil.  Flee from him.  Flee from all things that are evil or it will begin to saturate your mind into thinking that it is okay.  Sin is never okay.   The closer you move to God the faster the Devil will flee from you.
    Purify your mind from double-mindedness.  That is the same as having one foot in and one foot out.  It never works and will only cause you more problems.  You will never find rest.  To embrace humility, you need to mourn your old life and let it go completely.  See the ire in it, so that you will never be tempted to return.  
    Do not waste your time and energy slandering other people.  If they are in the wrong, then their true colors will show.  They don't need you to point out their flaws.  It will only point out a flaw in your character: pettiness, insecurity, neediness, or rage within.  You will be judged for your sins just like them, so focus on taking care of your own life and character.  
    Live your life to the fullest under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  He will guide you day to day.  Do what you know is good and righteous.  Life your life without sin.  You can actually do this, if you keep God as the focus.   You can have a passionate life without sinning.

James 4

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