Thursday, May 18, 2023

Fellowship with God


    The Bible is the Word of Life.  It is a love letter from God.  It is His essence that can be touched.  It has been a part of the world since the beginning of time and it will last to the end of time and beyond.  God's Word opens the door to you to have true fellowship with your creator.  It makes Him obtainable and not this mysterious scary deity like in mythology.  He is not human, but He makes the effort to relate to us out of love.  It was made perfect through Jesus.
    We come to life when we see the Word in our life.  We see it work, so we proclaim it and testify what God does in our lives.    Fellowship with God is to have a close knit kinship that you can always rely.  To have fellowship with God brings joy to your soul which pours out into your life making it complete.
    God's message is light.  This light is truth.  He lights your path so that you don't have to wonder through life in total darkness.  You don't have to be all cut up, bruised, or broken (soul wounds) at the end of your journey.  You can follow His light and walk confidently throughout your life.  It means that you escaped your sins and are moving forward in unity with God.
    God's light purifies our sins because it takes faith to follow.  God is always faithful.  He will always keep His word.  That is why you can trust in His promises.  That means that if He says that you are forgiven through faith, then you can walk in faith knowing you will be okay.  You can start forgiving and purifying yourself in this life journey of fellowship with God.

1 John 1

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