Friday, May 19, 2023

Remain with God


    Jesus is the atonement for sin.  You show that you are atoned by living obediently to God's Word.  Jesus is the truth.  In truth you will not sin.  That is why obedience is the key to remaining with God.  It is so that you can live out the truth to the world that is blind to it.  You are God's little children.  You can can trust him like a child should be able to trust their parents.
    To remain with God is to live out your obedience out of love, not duty.  The relationship is about faith and love, not what you can do to be better than someone else.  It is not about being "a good person".  In truth we accept that we are not perfect, but that Jesus makes us perfect.
    To remain in God's truth, you need to walk like Jesus did: righteously.  God's standards have not changed since the beginning of time.  They are not going to change.  God's expectations is steadfast and trustworthy.  If you do not hold yourself accountable to God's standards and call yourself a Christian, then the Bible declares you a liar.
    How you love tells the world what matters to you.  If you really love Jesus, then the world should be able to tell through your lifestyle.  How we love tells the world if we belong to him or the world itself.  To love the world is to hate God because loving the world is to love all that God declared evil.  It means that the evil one has a hold on you which makes you an enemy of God.  
    The good news is that you don't have to remain an enemy of God.  We all started there, but you can change how you love through building a faithful relationship with Jesus.  You can let go of your sinful nature.  You can walk in life with other believers and become stronger than you ever were on your own.  When you are strong in Jesus, then you can conquer the evil one.
    There are many anti-christ.  They deny that Jesus is the real Christ.  You do not need to be deceived by their lies.  If you remain close to Jesus, then you do not have to worry about what is true and what is lies.  You can live your life confident.  You don't have to waste energy searching for the truth because the answer is in the Bible.  You are anointed by the Holy Spirit.  You can trust in your salvation because it is a promise from Jesus, from God.  

1 John 2

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