Saturday, May 20, 2023

God's Children


    You do not understand what love really is until you are a child of God.  The love that God pours into you, once you accept the invitation of salvation from Jesus, gives you a hope you did not have before.  This hope begins to purify you and makes it where love can be seen and accepted more clearly.
    Once you experience the love of God, then you should not want to go astray.  If you don't go astray, then you should not be leading anyone else astray.  It is a win-win bi-product of being a child of God.  The message of God is love, but not the love the world tells you about.  The love that comes from God is sacrificial, life-giving, honest, and pure.  
    If you are God's child, then do not be surprised when the world hates you.  Accepting His love means that you are different from the world.  The enemies of God do no understand the person you have become, so you have become a threat to them, even though you are not a threat.  It is what you stand for.  You draw attention to the sin in their lives.  Even if you never say a word, the world hates anything that declares what makes them happy as sin.  Sin is anything that goes against God's law.
    Hate is to have murder in your heart.  Hate kills all things that are good.  Hate is to break God's law.  Hate condemn.  It doesn't save anyone.  
    The only way to conquer hate is through the love of God.  Believe in Him.  Live your life with Him.  Learn to love like Him.  You can only do that if you have the Holy Spirit living in you.  You will be recognized by God and other Children of God through the Spirit.  He is known by your obedience.

1 John 3

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