Monday, May 15, 2023

Growing Faith


    Faith is a precious gift that we all take for granted.  It gives us grace and peace.  Grace is God's unmerited favor of salvation.  This peace is the sense of well-being as a blessing of a right relationship with Jesus.  It was given by Jesus to all who believe to live abundantly in our salvation.  Other than life, there is no greater gift than faith in the world.
    The power of God comes through the knowledge of His glory and goodness.  The more you understand God, the more you faith should grow.  Growing faith enables you to resist evil desires. As you mature as a Christian your faith grows in goodness, knowledge of the Bible, self-control, perseverance (endurance), Godliness, kindness, pure affection, and holy love.  
    This faith produces fruit.  The other option as a Christian is to do nothing to grow your faith.  Your life will not produce fruit of faith.  Your faith will be useless because you are blind.  You lack foresight of the cleansing of sin.  This is why we need to make every effort to never stop growing in our relationship with God.  You have the truth, use it.
    As your faith grows, you are less likely to fall into temptation.  That means that you step out into the unknown with more assurance.  You know that God is with you and will catch you if your start to fall.  Your journey becomes your testimony.  The Holy Spirit gives your testimony words of light in the darkness.

2 Peter 1 

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