Tuesday, May 16, 2023

False Teachers


    We all need to beware of the smooth sounding and convincing arguments of false teachings.  They are in every arena of life.  These people manipulate the Bible to say what they want it say or teach people to ignore it as mythology. 
    FalseTeachers sound convincing.  What they say sounds good: your truth is truth, sin is not sin, you can be anything you want (identify with), leaders are meant to be rich (privileged), and more.
    Beware of false teaching because it leads to destruction.  It will lead some people straight to damnation because they do not learn the truth for themselves.  We are all responsible to learn the truth for ourselves and work out our salvation, but those that lead you toward hell will be held accountable.  
    False teachers manipulate for their own personal gain.  Their destruction is inevitable.  Destruction does not sleep.  The punishment of immorality is scary.  Do not follow the polluted desires of the flesh or despise authority.  God has His instruction in place for our good.
    God did not spare His angels who brought sin into this world, so why would he spare humans the same fate.  We choose to follow people and angels into sin.  No one makes us.  We have to hold ourselves accountable for our own decisions.  If we chose sin over righteousness then we invite the judgment of the ancient world(the Flood or Sodom and Gomorrah).  
   False teachers are arrogant, slanderous, brutes, and think irrationally for their own self interest.  These are the signs to look for before you listen to someone.  They manipulate the truth to turn their understanding into blasphemous rules, lust, and greed.  They think they are untouchable.  They prove that they do not understand the truth at all.  Do not fall for their seductive words because they are cursed to darkness.
    False teachers are boastful, but their words are empty.  They are seductive to lead people to debauchery.  If you follow, then you may not escape their fate.  They promise freedom, but make followers slaves to corruption.  Those that become entangled will be defeated.  You will be left unsatisfied and unstable.
    God saves the righteous when it appears like sin has consumed the world. The righteous will be protected from heretics.  It would be better for the people to never have learned about Jesus, than to know and ignore the truth.  To know what is right and still do what is wrong is sin.  Sin always has consequences and they will not escape punishment.

2 Peter 2

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