Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Seals


    The scroll that only Jesus was worthy to open has seven seals.  Each seal signifies something.  Today we are going over the first six seals.  When he began to open the seals the four creatures called out "come".  They wanted John to see, so that he could record for all people what is to come, but the order was to give orders to the first horseman.
    Jesus opened the first seal which set forth a white horse with a conqueror set out on a conquest.  He sought out to cause destruction. by war, famine, and death.
    The second seal brought a fiery red horse with a powerful rider to remove the peace on earth with his huge sword.  People start to show how violent and cruel they can be as they begin to slaughter each other.  
    The third seal brought a black horse.  His rider signified that the balance was changing.  The food rations for people are going to be cut.  Hunger is going to become something new to be understood by everyone.  
    The fourth seal brought forth a pale green horse.  His rider was death.  Hades followed closely behind death.  Together they held authority over the fourth seal: kill by sword, famine, plague, and wild animals.  Basically they bring unnaturally violent death upon the world.
      After the fourth seal, things change.  There are no more horsemen.  It is all supernatural events from here on out.  The fifth revealed an altar of martyred souls that called out for justice for their blood.  They all wore white robes as they wait for the completion.  Their numbers have to grow before it is complete.  
    The sixth seal released an earthquake.  The sun blackened and the moon turned blood red.  The stars disappeared, but were replaced by a strong wind.  The earthquake changes the world as we know it.  It will go flat.  All the mountains will disappear.  All the beauty of nature will be gone.  It will be a desolate place.  Anyone left alive will be poor until the day of wrath.

Revelations 6

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