Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Power of God's Word


    Guard God's Word in your heart because it will give you everything you need in life.  The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert where he fasted for 40 days and nights.  He was hot, uncomfortable, hungry, thirsty, and tired.  He was at his weakest point in his human life up until now.
    When Jesus was at His weakest, Satan came to him to tempt him.  If Satan succeeded, then he would have won the ultimate battle.  This was his one moment to get the upper hand and he couldn't even do that in an honest way.  He never has understood integrity.
    Satan tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus quoted scripture.  We should never take scripture out of context because that is what Satan does.  Jesus knew God's Word.  He knew the power in the Words that God spoke or gave to humans to speak.  He knows how the accumulative word of God aka Bible hold power.  That power defeated Satan without any battle.  It sent Satan away from Jesus' presence.  
    No human could do that on their own.  Jesus was no ordinary human, but he did teach us how we can personally defeat Satan in our spiritual battles.  We can remove him from our presence without any bloodshed or spiritual wounds.  It just takes time in God's Word, prayer, and listening to the Holy Spirit.
    The question that you need to learn for yourself is what is the difference between being tempted and being tested?  Satan tempts by manipulating God's Word to suite his purpose.  He has a way of making sin sound okay.  If you listen, then you will be tempted.  If you dwell on his lies, then you will be deceived and eventually it will lead to sin.  God test to reveal to you where you stand in your faith.  It is meant to reveal weakness in your armor, so that you can fix it and become stronger in Him.  Temptation takes away from you.  Testing reveals truth to give you something.
    Once you really understand who is behind each aspect of temptation and testing, then you need to dig deeper.  See yourself in God's eyes.  Be honest with yourself where you have listened to Satan's lies.  If you don't then you may be tempted to test God.  We do not have the right to test God.  We can ask Him anything.  We can ask really big ask, but we can't test Him.  It is like saying God if you are really there, then you will allow me to fly and then jump off a cliff.  God set natural laws in place at the beginning of time.  They are not going to change because you get an uncreditable idea in your head.
    When you face temptation, use scripture to give you strength and to fight Satan.  You need to tell Satan or any of his spirits to leave your presence.  You need to demand that they leave your home, car, work, or where ever in the name of God.  He has not choice but to leave because of the power of God's Word.  Once he is gone, then the Holy Spirit can take care of your needs in a reviving way.
    The power in God's Word is the secret to not sinning.  Seek God with all your heart and your heart will not lead you astray.  It is what enables you to be obedient to God in all things.  You don't have to just exist.  You can have a relationship with God that empowers you daily.  It can keep you pure.  It will bless you.  Learn to resist Satan and send him from your presence and you will be prepared for what God has planned for you.

Psalm 119:10-11, Matthew 4:1-11

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