Sunday, June 4, 2023



    An Angel came from Heaven with a scroll in his hands.  He was powerful looking: wrapped in clouds and had a rainbow over his head.  His face shined like the sun and his legs were like pillars of fire.  When he spoke it sounded like a lion shouting.  He had seven voices of thunder.  He ordered John to seal up the seven thunders and not to write them down.  This is a space of time between the sixth and seventh trumpet being blown.
    The angel swore upon God that the time of waiting was over.  It was time for the seventh angel to blow his trumpet to complete the mystery of God.  A voice from Heaven spoke to John telling him to go get the scroll from the angel standing on the sea and land.  This is divine judgment being completed.  It is a mystery now, but it will not stay a mystery forever.
    John went to the angel to take the scroll.  The angel told him to eat it.  That way it would become a part of him.  The scroll would turn his stomach sour, but would taste like honey in his mouth.  It is kind of like when Ezekiel did in the old testament.  Scripture is nice to hear, but taking it in, digesting it, and applying it is not nearly as easy.  The calloused heart will reject it.
    After John consumed the scroll, he began to have prophecies.  He was destined to prophecy to many people in many nations, poor and royal.  Which he did in through the Bible.  He has opened a window into a world we do not understand, but can at least prepare for.

Revelations 10 

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