Saturday, June 3, 2023

Trumpets of Judgment Part 2


    When the fifth trumpet blows, a star that contained a key will fall into the abyss.  It was given to the demon of the abyss.  When he opens the shaft, the heat that is released will turn the deep cool ocean water into steam.  It will be immense heat that affects the water upon contact.  As it rises like smoke darkening the sky even more.  
    From within the smoke creatures are released.  They look like locust, but have stingers of a scorpion.  They will have supernatural power to cause pain.  Unlike normal locust, they do not eat or devour the grass or any plant left alive.  This judgment is for people.  
    At this point all the remaining people will need the seal on their forehead or they will be tortured by this mutant locust's sting.  They will torment what is left of the human race for five months, but they are not allowed to kill.  The people will long for death, but it will elude them.  
    The locust are warriors.  They have little gold crowns on their head which are eerily human like.  They have hair like a woman, but teeth like a lion.  Their wings sound like chariots.  This implies that they are huge and are demonic.  The fact that they are demonic is why they can't touch God's people.  
    Their king was Abaddon, also called Apollyon.  He rules the abyss.  His name means destruction.  As the judgment of the first seal passes, so does the first woe that the eagle cried out about.
    The sixth seal releases the second.  This trumpet releases four demonic angels from the Euphrates River.  They will lead a demonic army that causes the river to become deadly.  The demonic army had 200,000,000 soldiers to kill off a third of the remaining human race.  Their tails resemble snakes that inflict injury.
    The demonic army had distinctive armor.  Their horses had heads of lions that breath fire, smoke, and sulfur.  They breathed out plagues.  The people that are not killed do not repent no matter how bad things get.  They seal their own fate.  Maybe the time for redemption is over and the choice has already been made.  They just have to endure.  Or maybe they just chose to worship demons and idols.  No matter why, they do not repent murder, sorcery, immoral sexual relations, or theft.  

Revelations 9

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