Friday, June 2, 2023

Trumpets of Judgment


    John went into a lot of detail about the time period between the sixth and seventh seals being broken.  When the seventh seal finally breaks open, heaven will go silent for about half an hour.  The silence echoes as the Day of the Lord (judgment) begins.  What happens next appears to happen fairly quickly.  Today we would probably call it an apocalypse.  
    Seven angels will each be given a trumpet that sound judgment upon the world.  There will be another angel with a golden censer that carries the prayers of the saints.  The smoke gets God's attention and has the angel give the censer to Him on His throne.  
    God throws the prayers onto the earth like a storm.  It is how he answers them, like they are all being answered at one time and it is overwhelming like a tornado and earthquake at the same time.  Once the prayers are released the seven trumpet carrying angels are free to go carry out their mission.  Each Trumpet has a purpose and fulfills this prophecy.
    The first trumpet releases bloody hail with fire that burns a third of the world's nature.  It should remind people of the 10 plagues released on Egypt.  The difference is that everyone will be affected.  All humans, animals, and life.  Nothing is spared.  Everyone will feel the affects of the loss of the silent life that makes our world thrive.
    The second trumpet lets go a mountain of fire upon the oceans.  This may be a great volcanic eruption that was released by the earthquake.  No matter what it is it releases disaster.  The Sea water turns bloodlike which killing a third of all aquatic life.  Any ship out at sea during this event will be destroyed.  The ocean lifestyle is over.  
    The third trumpet lets loose Wormwood.  Wormwood means a woody shrub with a bitter aromatic taste.  It is used in medicine and is known to represents a bitter emotional state.  In this case, wormwood is a star (meteorite) that will fall from the sky and turns a third of all fresh water into bitter water probably by the natural affect of pollution.  The water should be drinkable, but it will not be refreshing or pleasant.  It will probably cause all sorts of sickness.  People will drink it because they have no choice.  We all need water to survive.  We are made mostly of water.  If you remove water, then there is no hope hence the bitter emotional state.
    The fourth trumpet turns a third of the sky dark to never receive the light of the sun again.  It implies that the sun is starts to die rapidly.  It is not producing the light, heat, or energy that it always had.  The days will become mostly night.  People will only have about four to six hours of daylight everyday.  
    An eagle flies over the world crying out "woe".  He cried out woe to all living creatures in the world still alive because this is only the beginning.  What the last three trumpets will brings will be worse.  It is more than anyone could process. 

Revelations 8

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