Wednesday, June 21, 2023

What is Salvation?


    We tend to make things more complicated than they have to be.  Complexity breeds complexity.  We can be complex people with a good head on our shoulders, but salvation is still simple.  Salvation is a state that a person's soul is secure for Heaven because that person chose to believe in Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.  That person chose to change their life to follow Jesus' example in the Bible and build a relationship.
    The most important thing to learn can be the hardest thing to really learn.  The goal is to know God in a way that we can imitate Jesus in our daily lives.  This brings joy to life that is beyond description.  We have to raise the bar for ourselves.  No one can do this for you.  Salvation is for everyone, but each person has to make the decision for themselves.
    We have to deal with our sin nature.  It does not go away just because you are a Christian.  Some people learn how to hide it, but we have to learn how to kill it.  We have to learn how to sacrifice it daily to be more like Jesus.  This is why prayer is such an important aspect to salvation.
    Sin blinds you to the truth.  It grows like cancer and hardens your heart to kill you like a heart attack.  It chokes out the Holy Spirit's voice.  In an essence sin unchecked will consume you.  Salvation is the deliverance from the power of sin.  It heals your soul from the effects of sin, danger, or difficulty through God's divine intervention.  
    Sin starts with pride: the thought that you don't need God.  Pride makes you your own god.  It takes away the reality that we need God.  It allows us to live in deceit by believing that life is good how it is when it is actually killing you.  
    People who do not deal with their sin wear mask to be pleasing to other people, but in a reality it is a distraction so that they do not have to face God and His expectations.  Jesus coming to this world shined the light on sin and that is why he is still hated by so many people.  People like it in the dark.  Things are familiar.  They feel in control.  They think they can do anything and no one will ever know.  They buy into the lie.  It is a life of fear of exposure.
    Salvation is to open the invitation to be a part of God's family, then going to Him on His terms.  It is about being in His life, not about our terms.  If you allow it, your heart desires will change to be more like His.  This is a truth that you have to deal with.  It may not be easy, but it is how you make Him the main priority in your life.  This allow you to put Him above the opinions of the world that influence you.

Exodus 15: 2, Psalm 27:1, Luke 2:30, & Colossians 1

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