Wednesday, July 12, 2023



    Abiathar is another character of the old testament.  His name means "father of abundance".  He was a leader in a time when leading was difficult.  He chose to do the right thing when his society was telling him something different.  This is what made him the father of the remnant.
    Abiathar was a priest when David was running and hiding for his life from Saul.  Abiathar was the son of Ahimelech.  Abiathar followed God.  Since God led him in the direction that did not please King Saul, it put his life in danger.  Saul killed several priest that helped David (knowingly and unknowingly).  Abiathar was the only one that escaped the massacre.  Since his life was on the line same as David's life, he went to join David's little community in hiding.  God protected him.  
    He stayed in loyal service to David for the rest of his life.  When David was old and near his death, Abiathar was still there.  He chose his loyalty to follow Adonijah to become the next king.  He became a confidant for Adonijah.  However, the rest of the royal court did not support Adonijah.  
    It makes me wonder if Abiathar had watched him grow up and had a soft spot for him or if there was some other reason why he chose to support Adonijah to be king.  Politics are always complicated, but a political family seems to always fracture the relationships.  When Adonijah declared himself king before David was even dead, it seems to have been the thing that officially drew the lines of division in the family that never were erased.  
    No mistake that it was intentional on Adonijah's part.  It put Abiathar in a tough situation again.  It makes me think that he was a decisive man.  Once he decided something, he stuck with it.  In this case, he chose the wrong person to back politically.  This one decision kind of ruined his reputation after Adonijah was removed from the picture.  
    Abiathar taught the benefits of patience and sacrifice.  We all need to wait to understand God's plan for us.  That does not mean that you just sit there waiting.  It means that you are in the Word everyday, praying, and taking each step as they are being revealed.  
    Before you know it, you are on your path and following God in confidence.  In time you will be willing to do whatever He ask without hesitation.  You just have to trust and have an intimate relationship with him.

1 Samuel 22:20-23, 1 Kings 1:7-42

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