Thursday, July 13, 2023



    To abide is to accept or act in accordance to a decision, rule, or recommendation.  It is the ability to tolerate someone or something.  We all do it in our lives, but where do we draw the line?  Where do we stand firm on how we want life to be for ourselves?  That is part of figuring out your Christianity.  You have to decide that through prayer, meditation, and time in God's Word.
    Abraham decided to abide his wife by taking another woman, her servant, as a wife.  Sarah was not having children, so she had Abraham take her to give him children.  It ended disastrously.  His love went to Sarah and the other woman and her child were not considered the same.  The son that was recognized was the miracle son between Abraham and Sarah.  His name was Isaac.  He was innocent in all that mess.
    Later after Sarah died, Abraham remarried Keturah.  She gave Abraham more sons that became leaders of nations.  However, in the end, Isaac was the one that carried on the family name, title, and authority.  He is the only son that is ever really remembered to create the Jewish nation.  The nation chosen by God.
    Abraham got a bigger family, but at what expense?  The children all became warring nations.  It put a strain on his main marriage.  There is a reason why God said one woman to one man.  It cuts out all the unnecessary drama.  Children are a blessing no matter what, but children through multiple women sets up an unstable family unit.  Children need boundaries and to understand their place in the family.  If you deny them that, then they will decide for themselves and it does not always end well.  
    I am not bashing the blended family.  There are many reasons why they are good.  I am drawing these conclusion to adultery, affairs, and polygamy.  These are not a part of God's design.  Life has not gotten simpler.  We need to fight for the family and what the family looks like according to God.  
    If Christians do not start fighting the new system, the roles of sex, marriage, and childhood will be completely destroyed.  Things are already so confusing to those that do not know what God expects.  We need to use our voice to change things back to the way God designed them.

Genesis 25:1-11

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