Sunday, August 27, 2023

Care for a Care Giver


    It is hard to be a care giver.  It takes a lot out of a person emotionally, physically, and sometimes spiritually.  It is very easy to get burned out.  That is why Care Givers have to take some time to take care of themselves and their own needs.  There has to be balance or it will not work for very long.
    There are many signs of being burned out like when a person all of a sudden is grumpy.  They are showing signs of stress.  Mood swings may start to occur especially toward bad moods.  They give off a sense of unsettledness.  They become impatient, disconnected, and avoid people.
    The care giver may live in denial because they think they have to sacrifice everything for the person or people that they are taking care of.  This is dangerous because they are becoming overwhelmed, but pretending that everything is fine.  They are visibly distracted with a sense of rush.
    Over time there will be physical symptoms.  Some people may start to gain weight, loss weight, hair, luster, or something else.  The point is it is more apparent than they think it is.  The next thing you know the care giver is in crisis mode too.  It is like a drowning person trying to save another drowning person.  It is the same concept that you hear on a plane: put on your survival gear before helping anyone else or you may both die.
    It is difficult to be a care giver.  They sometimes feel like they don't have time or energy to eat or sleep.  They take away from their own re-energizing.  It is easy to lose sight of God in all of this.  It is important to keep your focus on Him, so that He can be the calm in the care givers life.  It is hard, but the care giver needs to try to go to church to have connection with other believers.  It helps them from being sucked dry.
    It is easy for a care giver to feel invisible or have a lack of appreciation.  They need to have time of solitude, but also time with other people so that they can be human and not just a machine.  It is really helpful if they have an accountability partner.  This person will be able to see the signs of crisis in the care giver and help them not become spiritually dried out.
    Care givers need to stop having unrealistic expectation on themselves or allowing other people to put it on them.  This can cause trauma for the care giver.  The care giver is competent, compassionate, and contentious or they would not be in the role.  It also makes them susceptible to taking on the trauma of their clients or loved one in whom they care for.  
    Before coming a care giver you need to give yourself the opportunity to really understand what you are getting into.  The culture needs to become more educated and understanding in this area.  There are vulnerabilities of the care giver that people could help with if they were aware. 

Psalm 16 & 23, Jeremiah 29:10-14, & Hebrews 6: 9-12

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