Saturday, August 26, 2023

Lament Part 2


    A lament is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.  It is a way to mourn, especially after a death of a loved one.  It normally comes out in a poetic format, but that is not a requirement.  
    A Biblical lament is a cry out to God under the same guidelines.  It is a prayer that can be written out or just cried out to God.  It is telling him how much your heart hurts, how you feel broken.  A lament is a way of breaking through the loneliness by asking God to show up for you and not forget about you.  It is also asking God to reveal things from this loss.  It is trusting God to do all that He has promised and that your pain will not last forever.  
     A lament can be a confession.  It can be admitting what you have done wrong in your life, but at the same time admitting that the punishment is more than you can bare.  Admit how exhausted you are.  Admit that you feel trapped.  Admit how the guilt is making you sick.  Admit that you don't know a way out without God.
    A lament can be when you feel betrayed.  It is painful when you put your trust in someone and they break that trust for any reason.  It is worse when you share your life with that person.  It can feel like a death, but sometimes worse.  When a person dies it is over.  When it is a betrayal then it can feel never ending.  
    Despair can take you to some dark places.  That is why you need to go to God to bring the light back into your life.  Allow Him to forgive your sins and start doing what you have to do to forgive the sins of other people.  His redemption is overflowing.  Mourn and weep until the pain starts to recede, but allow God to heal the wound.

Psalms 38, 55, 130,  & Jeremiah 4:8

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