Friday, August 25, 2023



    Addiction is the condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.  It is a chronic condition that affects the brain.  It means a person seeks what they are addicted to even if they do not want it.
    Most addicts live in denial because they have given themselves over to what they are addicted to.  It is easier if their loved ones are co-dependent on them.  They don't want to rock the boat, but it affects the relationships.  No one actually gets what they want or need.  
    It is like everyone in the addicts life is a part of the addiction.  They are accustomed to the addict's behavior, so they overlook a lot of unhealthy behaviors.  It only isolates the addict as the loved ones become resentful.  The enablers and the addicts all feel unloved, unimportant, and unfulfilled.  They loss the give take in the relationship as the addict just takes everything.  Nothing will changed until the addict is confronted.
    Children of addicts are usually angry.  They grow up with unhealthy role-models, so they have a disillusion about how life should be.  The children grow up feeling unloved, unimportant, and isolated.  It had extreme long-term affects on them the same as abuse.  It just is not always acknowledged by society.
    There are several types of addiction.  Society puts an emphasis on drugs and alcohol.  However all addictions are bad because it pulls the addict away from God.  Other addictions that should be addressed is cigarettes, gambling, sex, porn, social media, adrenalin, shopping, food, tv/entertainment, video games, plastic surgery, tattoos, and much more.
    Addiction is a sickness.  That means that it will get worse before it gets better.  It does cause the addict and those closest to the addict heart wounds.  That means the Christians need to endure the vulnerabilities that the addict attack.  It is the sickness that attacks you.  
    The addict is hungry, angry, lonely, tired, and bored with life.  This has to be addressed before they will get better.  They have to want to get better before any treatment will work long term.  The loved ones need a plan and support for themselves.  It will take a lot out of them to stand firm.  However, if the addict wants to change and the loved ones do stand firm and are consistent, then the cycle of addiction can be broken.
    Addiction causes stress and worry.  There is no way around that.  It takes a tole on everyone.  It takes God to get through this.  He can heal everyone involved.  Remember His promises when things get hard.  If the addict and loved ones do not face the truth and reject God, then it will bring destruction upon their lives.

Jeremiah 17:11-18, Matthew 11:28-31, John 14:27-29, & James 5: 13-18

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