Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Facilitating Part 2


    We know that facilitating is finding your words in a safe place to express them in a healthy way.  It comes down to finding the heart wound.  It is the soul wound that only God can heal.  You can put band aides on it.  You can self-medicate, ignore, and deny, but God is the only one that can make it truly go away.
    A physical wound can leave a scar to show the world a piece of your story.  A heart wound leaves a scar, but no one can see it.  It is revealed by trigger reactions.  It may be something you think you have under control, but as soon as something hits your trigger it will reveal itself in some out of character response.
    A facilitator's job it to help the people become aware of their triggers, so that they do not over react when the trigger is hit.  The people may need to learn how to use their words.  They may need confidence to declare that some things are not okay.  They may need to just be introduced to Jesus.  No matter how the facilitator helps, they are just leading them to the answers for themselves.
    When we see it on paper it is easy to say poor soul or bless their heart.  However, living with a person with heart wounds is not easy.  That is why we all need find our healing for ourselves.  No one wants to drive away the people we love most.  If you don't know what you heart wound is, then how can anyone else?  How can they be patient and empathetic, if they don't even know your pain or why you are in pain.  Be stable in your heart and faith and the people who love you will not leave you.
Matthew 18:19-20, Acts 5:41-42, Galatians 6: 1-3, & James 1:5-8

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