Monday, September 4, 2023



    A person could write an entire book on Abraham, so I am going to keep to the basics of what made him special.  He was the father of the Jewish nation through Isaac and the Muslim nation through Ishmael.  Through Jesus the Christian people.  His name means "father of multitudes" or "father of nations".  It is tied to faith.
    Abraham was in the direct lineage to Shem (Noah's blessed son).  He was born roughly 2000 years after the flood.  Abraham was called Abram until his encounter with God.  He was married to Sarai who would become Sarah.  She lived many years never bearing a child.  It was her desire for children that led to some bad decisions on her part.  She used her emotions to direct some of Abraham's decisions too.
    After the death of Terah, Abraham's father, God directed Abraham to leave his home to find a new nation.  God allowed Abraham to have that time with his father before pushing him toward a course that would change the entire human world.  Abraham's obedience led to God's promise that Abraham would be the father of a great nation.  On top of that God promised to bless those who blessed Abraham and curse those who treated him with contempt.
    Abraham was 75 when he began his journey.  Everywhere he settled for a time, he built an altar to God.  He was setting up holy places in honor of God.  He did get himself into some trouble with being less than honest which proves that honesty is not always easy.  Being honest can cost you your life.  If you trust God to protect you, then you do not have to fear.
    Through Abraham's travels he became well known.  He also became very rich.  His nephew, Lot, who traveled with him was becoming very rich and respected too.  Together they could no longer sustain their travel because their wealth was in livestock.  They had to separate to be able to feed everyone and keep all the animals healthy.  Abraham let Lot chose which way he wanted to go and he would go the opposite.  Since Abraham was humble and allowed Lot to chose, God blessed Abraham even more with the promised land.
    This is only the beginning of Abraham's story.  It goes on for many more years of his life and continues on today through his people.  Abraham blessed and cursed people.  One person he blessed was Melchizedek.  He was a priest that remains a solid historical figure of what a priest should be.  He was great, but not as great as Abraham.  Abraham is spectacular, but not as spectacular and God.  
    The message that Abraham leaves behind is if you follow God (Jesus), then you will be blessed.  You will be remembered.  You will live a life worth being remembered.  You life with God will be a life that you want to live long and hard for.

Genesis 11-13 & Hebrews 7:1-10

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