Sunday, September 3, 2023


    As Christians we are commanded to keep our mind on things above.  That means not getting so caught up in what is happening around us that we forget the purpose of life.  That is to worship and serve God.  It is to live an obedient, loving, faithful life.  It means never giving up on your trust in God.
    God spelled out his decrees and laws.  He went into great detail to make it easy on us.  Yet, we somehow always seem to forget certain aspects.  We may learn them for ourselves and how they really adapt to life since Jesus came to clarify (not remove) the laws.  They were given to give us healthy boundaries in life.  We may live it, but still fail if we do not teach our children.  It is your personal responsibility to teach the next generation how to obey and live faithfully to God by keeping Him the focus of life.
    Keeping your mind on things above is an attitude of service to God.  It is adjusting your selfish nature to be more like Jesus.  We are not equal to God.  He is our creator.  He made us in His image.  He gave us privilege and made us special, but we are not His equal.  We are not gods.  Don't live a deceived life of carnal desires that lead to a merciless death.  It is better to humble yourself now and elevate God on your own.  Put His name above your own and glorify Him.
    When you become a new Christian you are raised up, but not above God.  You are separated from the rest of the world in which you live in to live a new life that honors God.  Setting your sights on what is above is accepting the reality of how God set up the physical and spiritual world.  Things of heaven is what we are working toward.  Things in the world are always changing.  Heaven is consistent, steady, and a secure place for all that follow Jesus.  This is the only way in sharing His glory once this life is over.  You don't get the glory now because Jesus didn't the the glory until after His resurrection.

Deuteronomy 4:39-40, Philippians 2:5-11, & Colossians 3:1-4

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