Saturday, September 2, 2023

Biblical Response to Conflict


A Biblical response to conflict is addressing the conflict in a manner that honors God.  That means to handle all situations in kindness, compassion, and agape.  Conflict is where we need to remove hostility, anger, and pride so that you can have a rational conversation.  Do not force a conversation until you have your emotions under control.  Then seek a way to restore or salvage the relationship to peace.
            A biblical response to conflict begins with humility.  That can’t be faked or forced.  Then when you address the issues, it needs to be with a heart of forgiveness.  Otherwise, the conversation will not go anywhere and things are more likely to escalate.  When you are addressing the issue pray over it to seek harmony with God and the other person/people. 
    If you don’t have any desire to salvage the relationship, then just walk away.  There is no point in a conversation.  It will only be fire feeding fire and nothing good will come from that.  You both or all walk away burned.
    Compassion is vital for conflict resolution.  No matter how much the other person may be acting ugly, you need to hold onto your composure and display kindness, meekness, patience, and understanding of the situation.  It is not just about you.  You are a representation of Christ.
God’s design is for unity.  So within the church body we need to do all we can to have unity.     We can’t expect the people of the world to act and think like us.  We have a different world perspective.  This understanding can give you peace in your heart to bear one another in our differences.  Not all Christians are alike, just like everyone else is not alike.
    Be the light of the world.  That means do not allow your tempter to destroy your witness.  It can take a life time to build a reputation and only five minutes to destroy it.  Don’t forget that relationships are important.  Some you should walk away from, but many are worth fighting for even if you can’t solve all the problems.  Find a way to live with the ones that you can live with.
    When in a conflict speak truth, but how you speak the truth is just as important as the truth itself.  You may need a mediator if things are very tense.  Try to think about where the other person is coming from to help you communicate with them.  It really does take agape love to work through some serious issues.
    No matter what find contentment in how you handled the situation.  If you can’t, then you probably did not handle it the best and may want to take another go at it.  This may mean you giving up some personal rights to make the relationship work.  Just don’t be the only one giving of yourself.  It can’t be one sided.   That also means that you have to be willing to compromise if you are the one that had been getting everything and the other person always feels like they are losing.  Relationships take two.
    Seek peace with the person, but even if you can’t get that then make sure you have peace with God.  That means seeking the spiritual aspect over the worldview point.   Be proactive in dealing with conflict.  Don’t let it just happen.  Seek ways to be respectful and still be heard.  Ask questions to clarify anything that could have been heard wrong.  Assumptions are the death of a conversation seeking peace. 
Never stop truthing that God is working in this.  Trust that faith, hope, and love will endure anything.  Trust that no matter what the situation looks like, that God loves you and tis taking care of you.

1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4:25-27, Philippians 2:1-8, &Colossians 3:12-15

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