Wednesday, September 6, 2023



    Abscess is a swollen area within the body tissue that contains an accumulation of pus.  It can be in tissue, spaces in your body, or organs.  It is painfully swollen and has to be treated with being drained along with antibiotic before it will begin to heal.
    God spoke to Aaron and Moses about skin irritations or infections.  They didn't have antibiotics back then, so anything that was not treated quickly could become something serious.  A person that had skin issues were brought to a priest because the priest were the same as doctors back then (Plus it is what God commanded).  The priest would inspect them and declare them ceremonially clean or unclean.
    An unclean person would be isolated for seven days, then reinspected.  If they were still not better, then they had to repeat the isolation up to three times.  If they still were not better, then all their things were burned to stop the infectious disease from spreading.  Ig the person was chronically ill, then they never left isolation (leprosy).
    The skin issues that were unclean were abscesses, boils, burns, infected cuts, and more severe skin issues like leprosy.  A person with allergies may be considered chronic if they had hives all the time because itchy skin was considered unclean.  Mildew contamination was unclean and the priest had to inspect everything it touched.  That means even things had to go into isolation or be destroyed through fire.
    The part that got rid of pride was that if you were considered unclean you had to confess it to the entire community.  All the people had the right to see and hear.  A person that remained unclean meant that you had to leave the camp (community) all together.  
    We are blessed to have doctors today.  We are blessed to have the education available about biology and science to teach us why our bodies do what they do.  God gifted doctors the ability to help us heal.  For most things we no longer need to isolate, but if we are contagious then we should self-isolate for the good of all the people that we may come into contact with.  
    Thank God for all that we have access to today.  Thank God that the only clean thing he cares about is our hearts.  It is your heart that He does not want to become contaminated.

Leviticus 13

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