Thursday, September 7, 2023



    To be absent is an adjective.  It is to do something or in this case not do something.  Absent means to not be present in a place or in a part of something.  You can be physically present, but your mind is somewhere else or thinking on a different subject, so you might as well not be there.  Sometimes being absent is to leave and remain gone.
    When it comes to church unity, the people within the body need to do what needs to be done to keep known sin out of the body of Christ.  The church needs to work actively to be the absence of sin.  We are human and we sin, but habitual sin can't be allowed.  It is the same thing as saying it is okay.  
    Sin is never okay with God.  Habitual sin also means that Satan has his hooks in you in a certain area and it needs work.  We don't need to kick the person out, but they can't be a position of leadership either.  They can attend, but they are set apart in a sense.
    Once the church confronts the habitual sin or lifestyle sin and the person repents.  Give them a little time to show in character and action the change.  It should not take very long.  However, if they refuse to repent or turn away, then leave them at Satan's doorstep.  Don't get dragged down with them.  They will either find their way to God or they won't.  All you can do is pray for them.
    A church needs to be united in the love of Jesus and for Jesus.  This is pure love that is not tainted by the fallen world that tries to pervert love.  It is supposed to lift each other up and encourage each other, so that we are stronger to fight against temptation.  You do not have to be there in person, to be a part of the unity.  However, Christians are stronger when they are together.  Do not be deceived, but live your faith out in strength.

1 Corinthians 5:1-5 & Colossians 2:1-5

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