Friday, September 8, 2023



    Absolution is a formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment.  When applied to the Bible is it a declaration of forgiveness of sins given by Jesus.  It is a gift given through salvation.
       God's people went to Jeremiah with petitions for God.  He was their leader, so he prayed.  The people wanted direction because God had fallen silent.  He was silent because no one was listening, except people like Jeremiah.  Jeremiah's response was the same since the beginning of time: obey.  Basically God was saying to them listen and you will have your direction and purpose in life.
    God wanted them close.  He wanted to build them up.  It all started with them rebuilding Jerusalem.  He had compassion on them and wanted to restore them.  However, if they went to Egypt, then they would be destroyed because of one disaster after another.  They had been warned: they would only find absolution through obedience.
    Israel's elders went to God to ask questions.  Ezekiel was their witness.  They wanted a way out of their judgement, but the nation had turned away from God and did not return for many generations.  They had developed some detestable practices.  They were God's chosen people, but lived like the rest of the world. God had given them the opportunity to be holy, but they rebelled and rejected His offer.  There are consequences for that.
    God expects obedience from His people.  If you rebel, then it is just a matter of time before His wrath is released.  The secret is when you obey God, then you start to understand Him a little better.  You get to know Him in a personal way.  That is why you understand that sin has to be purged and why He can't allow His name to be profaned.  Following Him is the only way to absolution.  The only other option is judgment.
    Lazarus was very sick and it did not look good for him, so his sisters (Mary and Martha) sent for Jesus.  They knew that Jesus could heal him.  All three had strong faith.  Jesus knew that Lazarus would die, but said nothing and did not change his plans which only took a couple of days.  When Jesus did arrive, Lazarus had already been buried.  
    Jesus cried over the pain that the sisters felt.  He loved Lazarus too.  What none of them realized was that Jesus was about to reveal his power of resurrection.  He order Lazarus to come out of the tomb and the next thing you know Lazarus is stumbling out.  Everyone was in awe, excited, and over joyed, but no one realized the significance of that moment until much later down the road.  
    Lazarus was the first recorded resurrection of Jesus.  This was absolution.  When Jesus would resurrect himself, it enabled anyone who followed him to be able to be resurrected into Heaven when it is time.  Jesus has the ultimate power over death.  

Jeremiah 42,  Ezekiel 20,  & John 11:1-44

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