Saturday, September 9, 2023



    Abound is a verb.  It is an action word that means people or things exist in large numbers or amounts.  It is usually thought about with money.  People want abounding money, but have you ever thought about it in a context that is not related to wealth?  
    God's people are called to abound.  We are called to gather together and grow.  It is not just reproduction.  A single person can abound in faith and in leading in other people to faith.  We just have to believe that we are rescued by God.  We have to have faith that He will provide for our needs.  We abound more if we are trustworthy like God than if we have riches.
    Showing partiality or favoritism does no one any good.  It is the same as swindling someone out of a deal.  It makes one person more worthy than someone else.  God sees us all as equals with distinction of those that follow him and those that are lost in the world.  
    Don't be greedy for it will lead you to poverty.  Take time to do things right.  Build a strong foundation, so what you invest your time and energy into does not just fall apart.  Following God leads to prosperity, but that does not guarantee wealth in money.  Life is so much more than money.  We just need money to survive.  We don't need monetary wealth.  Find your wealth in wisdom.  It will take you a lot further.  It will hep you flourish.
    To follow Jesus will make you a villain in the world's eyes.  You could be arrested, persecuted, or even killed, but he led the way.  He endured it all first for you.  Some people will hate you and reject you.  That includes people that you love.  You will have to deal with false prophets that try to make you look crazy for following Jesus.  
    Why do it?  We do it because we have faith and we genuinely love Jesus.  We do it because love is stronger than hate.  Sin may run rampant.  We can change the world.  We have to wait for Jesus to return again to make those changes.  All we have to do is endure and not turn our backs on Jesus and in the end we will abound.  We will have everything our heart purely desires for eternity.  This is good news.  This is worth all the pain and suffering.
    Adam introduced sin into the world.  Jesus showed us how to live for God and removed our sins if we follow him faithfully.  Jesus is a precious gift from God.  It changed forgiveness to a whole new level.  Jesus made faith and salvation obtainable to all people.  He made it where we can be righteous and have grace.  These gifts abound and give us the wealth that we need to live in this world and triumph over sin.  The more God's grace is faced with sin, the more it abounds and reveals Him.

Proverbs 28:18-28, Matthew 24:9-14, & Romans 5:15-20

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