Sunday, September 10, 2023

Evangelism Part 2


    Evangelism is the spreading of the Gospel through public speaking or a personal witness.  The purpose is for other people to see that your relationship with God is real.  If they see the Holy Spirit thriving in you, then they will want to know more.  It needs to be more than one conversation.  The world needs to see Jesus live in you everyday for it to hold power.
    It is wise to dedicate a part of your life to winning souls to Jesus.  You have to be vulnerable and transparent.  That makes it more difficult when people reject the message.  We just have to remember that they are rejecting God, not you.  Other people's hard hearts should not affect your willingness to be open about your relationship with Jesus.
    The people that live one way in the world and another in the Church are hypocrites.  Woe to the hypocrites because one day they will face Jesus and have to make an account for all of it.  It is better to just be true all the time than to pretend.
    To follow Jesus is not an emotional decision.  It will affect you emotionally, but it is a head and heart unification decision.  It takes determination to pursue Jesus and not stop when life gets busy, crazy, or hard.  Salvation is not based on fear.  It is based on love and desire to be with Jesus.  Salvation is not emotional, so if you are mad at God you will not lose your salvation.  Once you have true faith, it is always there.
    Evangelism is spiritual wisdom, not worldly wisdom.  You have a different perspective on the world than the people that do not understand the message.  The point of evangelism to try to bridge that gap.  You use what you know and allow the Holy Spirit to lead your words.  Living out your salvation and learning more about God daily is your affective witness.  It is more about how you live than the words that come out of your mouth.
    Evangelism requires adaptability to your environment and culture, but the message never changes.  Tell your story and allow Jesus' story come out through yours.  No one knows how much time they will have so when you do witness do it with purpose and urgency.
    When you evangelize be sure not to misrepresent God's Word.  You are not a spokesperson.  You are God's ambassador.  That means that God gave you authority to speak on His behalf, but you are held accountable for those words.  Use the power of His Words to speak boldly.
    The point is for the people you are talking with to examine their own hearts according to God's Word.  If they do that, then the Holy Spirit will do His part.  You encourage them to pray, seek God, and read the Bible for themselves.  Try to help them understand what is at stake here.  This is not a here and now issue.  It is an eternal issue.  It is not a matter of opinions, feelings, or intellect.  It is fact.  It is truth that we all need to be alerted to understand. 
    It all comes back to Jesus.  He lived the right way.  He never sinned.  He is our example and he equipped us to spread that Gospel.  If you chose to follow Jesus, then you belong to God.  That means your life becomes about worship, holy fear, trust, agape love, obedience, and alliance with God.  
    God created this world.  He claims His people.  He has control over the universe.  This is all true.  this truth should lead you to follow Jesus is to believe in the redemption.  That means you belong to Him.  You are not His slave, but His family.  He watches over and protects His family.  In return we should live for Him.  
    The other option is to belong to Satan.  You don't get much in return for following him, but life is easier here and now.  The down side is eternal life will be beyond horrible.  God has already defeated Satan.  Satan just has not stopped fighting that truth.  It is your choice to believe or to reject God's truth.

Proverbs 11, Matthew 23, Romans 14:5-9, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, & Colossians 1:15-20

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