Monday, September 11, 2023


    To absorb it to take or soak in.  It is a chemical or physical action.  It can also when something captures your full attention to the point of no distraction.  It is something that you have great interest in.  When it comes to the Bible it is when you soak in God's Word.
    Job suffered terrible at the hands of Satan.  Life was torture for him, so the thought that God was against him.  Why wouldn't he.  He was raised being told if you sin, then you will suffer.  His family and community were judging him, but they didn't even know for what because he was not being punished.  He was a sacrifice to get a message to Satan: what is mine will never be yours.
    Job was not able to eat or find comfort anywhere.  His strength departed him quickly along with his hope.  He felt like he had lost everything and did not understand why.  All he could do was ask his friends to not unjustly judge him.  He asked them to remember his integrity and discern his words.  Job absorbed his fate without fighting it.
    Months continues for Job in that horrific state.  He had always walked intimately with God.  This had let to him being greatly respected and blessed by many people.  He did good deeds for other people in the righteousness given to him by God.  He thought life would always be that way, then it fell apart around him.  People listened to what he said and absorbed it as wise counsel. Then things went bad for him and they all abandoned him like he were a leper.
    The message that God tries to teach us through misery is that our homes here are temporary.  Life never stays the same.  It is the eternal home that will never be destroyed, decay, rot, or taken from us.  It is our eternal life that is secure and stable.  No matter what we have (or do not have) here, our souls are always longing for our eternal home with God.  When we hit the point past what we can endure, turn to God to get more strength, rrefreshing or reviving peace, and faith.  
    The Holy Spirit is our insurance of our eternal life.  Don't allow all the many distractions and hardships of life absorb our attention to the point that we forget what it is all about.  Live in confident faith and step above the pain and suffering so that you never lose your peace.  The goal is to please God.  Never lose sight of that.  
    Allow love to compel you to do better than what you can do on your own because it was His love that saved us and made us new beings in Jesus.  We need to act like the new people that we are.  We need to reconcile against sin to be God's ambassadors.  He took our sin, so that we can live righteously.  This is truth that we all need to absorb and make a part of who we are.
Job 6 & 29, & 2 Corinthians 5

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