Tuesday, September 12, 2023



    To abstain is an action word.  To not to do something is taking action.  Abstain is to resist from doing or enjoying something.  It can be a formal declination in a vote, proposal, or motion.  When it comes to the Bible abstinence usually has to do with fasting or obeying God's laws.
    Moses gave God's people the laws on behalf of God since God only spoke to one person at a time back then.  The Holy Spirit didn't live within people to whisper God's instructions into them.  They had to rely on a person and God's spokes person for all his rules and regulations was Moses. 
    One of those laws was the vow of the Nazirite.  The Nazirite chose a period of time to set them apart to dedicate themselves solely to God.  That meant that they had to live a more diligent life that required abstain from almost any comfort.  They could not consume alcohol of any kind including vinegar wine, fresh grape juice, or raisins.  Basically if it involved a grape they were not to touch it.  That is just one thing, but it is the first representation of what it is to abstain.
      To abstain is to understand that it is not to restrict yourself forever.  It is just for a set amount of time or until something is fulfilled.  It is to take a stand for your relationship with God.  It is an act of putting Him before personal desire.  That means sometimes you need to make sure you keep a level head, so that your emotions do not consume you.  That means abstain from food offered to idols, consuming blood of any kind, meat from a strangled animal, and sexual immorality.  Abstain here and you will please God.
    To abstain is temporary resistance to the world's influence.  It it to remove yourself from your worldly desires to get a new or refreshed perspective on your relationship with God.  If you have certain desire that wage war within you, then that is a indicator that you need to abstain from that for a little while until your soul calms down or you find answers.  
    To abstain is putting a Godly lifestyle before you relationships with your neighbors or family.  Your honorable lifestyle and reputation will save your when the people of the world try to attack you.  You are protected because your life honors God.  When He judges the world He will not forget what you gave up for Him.

Numbers 6:1-4, Acts 15:23-29, 1 Peter 2:11-12

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