Wednesday, September 13, 2023



    Absurdity is a quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.  When it comes to the Bible, it is mostly how people perceive God's Word.  However, God did give examples of absurdity for us to see that it does exist.
    God provides wealth to those in whom He chooses.  Wealth can be possession, money, honor, and more.  The things is that anyone can have a wealthy life.  It is just how we choose to look at what God has given us.  He gives differently, so if you are happy with what you have then you are wealthy.  If you are comparing yourself to other people, then you will always be poor because you always want more.  that is absurdity: wealth living like they have nothing.
    Enjoy what God has given to you.  He gave you life to live.  It is meaningless if you do not take pleasure in a holy life.  A short full life is better than a long wasted life.  Learn to appreciate what you have and where you are in life right now.  Don't waste your time and energy chasing after what will not matter when you die.  No one has all the answers.  It is absurd to pretend that you do.
    Wisdom gives life power to live with purpose.  God commanded us to obey Him.  It is wise to not push Him on that subject.  Obedience provides protection in life and it reveals a wise heart.  Don't try to control what you can't control.  It is a waste of time and energy.  It leads to absurd behavior.  You don't have to understand God's reasons or ways to obey Him.  Just enjoy the journey without fighting Him every step of the way.
    In God's judgment He reveals His presence.  His judgment makes the world shine as it is cleansed.  Evil doers are crushed in His time.  Leave revenge and judgment to Him.  It is better than anything you could come up with anyway.  Focus on your own self-discipline to stay faithful and obedient to God.  You can't fight evil without God leading the charge.  It is absurd to try to fight evil on your own.  Instead allow His love to support and console you when evil hurts you or causes anxiety.  God is your fortress and refuge against sin.  
    Fools will not be honored by God.  If we honor fools in our life, then it makes us fools too.  Following and honoring fools is absurd.  They think they are wise when they don't understand anything eternal.  They live for the here and now and let the important things fall through the cracks.  A sluggard will bury himself.  Don't be buried with him. Don't take care of a lazy person or you will work yourself to death without anything to show for it. 
    Do not be a liar or quarrelsome because it will isolate you.  You need a support system of people in your life.  Don't push them away or you may just find yourself alone in the world.  Argumentative people and liars enjoy watching drama that hurts people.  Don't be drawn into that or you will be burned.  
    Gossip hurts people to the point that trust can be hard to give.  Do not get caught up in the web of gossip.  If people are talking about other people to you, then it is safe to assume that they are talking about you to other people.  Gossip reveals evil in the heart that enjoys hurting people.  Watch out for flattery.  It can be a form of lie.  Compliments are okay to build people up, but flattery is a form of making fun of people with it sounding like a compliment.

Psalms 94, Proverbs 26, & Ecclesiastes 6-8, 

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