Thursday, September 14, 2023

Walk with God

    Walking with God is a journey.  It is not one day you want to be with Him and the next you don't feel like it.  It is making God a priority in your life everyday no matter how you feel or what is happening.  Life happens, you might as well have the support and care of God as it happens.
    The ultimate goal in walking with God is having an intimate relationship with your creator.  What comes from that relationship should be evangelism.  Your life should be showing your relationship with God more than the words that come out of your mouth.  Salvation is a gift from God.  We need to show our love and gratitude of that gift by how we live in faith.  Don't be careless with your evangelism.
    We have to empty ourselves before God before the Holy Spirit can fill us up.  That means that we have to admit our mistakes, short-comings, weaknesses, fears, losses, and everything else before He can give us what we really need.  Our ways are not His ways.  He have to learn how to go to Him.  You can't fake it with Him.
    False hope is self-reliance.  It leaves no room for you to see how God is trying to help you.  With Him you can have a full life.  If you go at life on your own, it will always be lacking what your soul needs the most.  That is why God will expose the false in your life.  He wants you to see the truth.  He wants you to have a full life.  He will help you rid yourself of all the things that occupies that empty space in your heart: pollution, perversion, pride, selfishness, and emotional crutches.  
    God is where we need to go for wisdom, guidance, love, and protection.  He is the best doctor, gardener, herbalist, judge, and teacher.  The catch is that he can only work with the hearts that are open to Him.  A hard or thorny heart will not allow Him to work because He will not force himself upon anyone.  That is is free-will.  
    Religion is not walking with God.  It is all about rules and regulations that only weigh you down.  It focus on behavior and instruction.  Faith is walking with God.  It produces a strong soul that is free to really live.  It is allowing God to work within you.  It is more than prayer and hope.  It is putting in the time and work with God.  It is not always easy.  Like working out it can be hard and it can hurt.  The people in your life will make it hard at times, but when it is hard is when we grow the most.
    Some people will never respond to the message you are giving them from God.  That is hard.  It is heart breaking, but it is their choice.  You decide to work in harmony with the Holy Spirit and leave them to Him.  You expose the good news and the rest is on the unresponsive person or people.  The truth is that God will use heart-rendering circumstances sometimes to break those people, but He does it because He loves them.  
    The time for excuses is over.  If you know the truth, then you have no excuse.  It is better to flat out say yes or no when God calls than to pretend there is a valid reason.  If God calls you to talk to someone, then just do it.  He chose you for a reason.  You may be the only one that would get through to that person.  Don't let fear or anxiety about talking to someone cause you to sin.
    Religion will not save anyone.  It is a life of faith.  It is walking with God faithfully that gives you salvation.  It is so simple, but we love to complicate things.  God's laws are here to expose sin.  They give us boundaries, but they do not save us.  Jesus is the only path to salvation.

Jeremiah 4:3-6, Hosea 10:9-12, Matthew 9:9-13, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, & Galatians 3:23-29

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