Friday, September 15, 2023

Abundance Part 2


    Abundance is very large amount or quantity of something.  We normally connect it with prosperity.  When applied to the Bible it has more to do with the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts.
    The Holy Spirit was with Israel.  God was ready to devour the hostile nations.  Whomever blesses God's people are blessed in return.  Anyone who abandons or curses His people are abandoned and cursed.  They will face the full wrath of God.  God provides financial abundance to anyone because that does not matter.  That is here and now.  It is materialistic.  God cares about the soul and heart of people.  Financial abundance is not worth losing your soul.
    It is now that you need to feel sorry for those who chose evil over righteousness.  God will destroy them and what comes after is worse.  Life an abundant life by seeking God's graciousness to give you strength.  Turn to the comfort of salvation to get you through destress.  God is our foundation in faith, wisdom, and understanding.  He is the key to an abundant life and eternal life.  
    How you live your life exposes your heart and soul.  Chose to see the beauty in life and remove anything like arrogance that would block a clear view.  God is the judge, law giver, and king to salvation.  His abundance is fairly given and available to everyone.
    Pray over the state of your heart, so that it desires salvation and a relationship with God over anything the world may offer.  Know righteousness, so you know how to submit and will do it willingly.  Righteousness can be discovered in the law, but it is was Jesus that gave it life.  Faith gives the law to the heart with meaning.  Then your heart will justify you.  Never be ashamed if it makes you stand out and  people do not understand.  The only one you need to be concerned about is God's opinion of you.  Instead of backing down, tell them about Jesus.  Teach them about the abundance that He gives to life.  
    A saint is a person that is eager to help, ready to give, and enthusiastic about work.  Be ready to serve God.  Don't second guess yourself in your service to God.  Don't give money if you give it grudgingly.  Give sparingly and you will receive sparingly, but give generously and you will receive in abundance.  That applies to everything you give: money, love, time, and more.  Give with cheer and God's grace will abound in you.  
    Have thanksgiving in your heart.  It is better than generosity.  Praise God for everything.  Praise God in action through obedience.  Tell people about the Gospel and then give generously.  Pray over other people's hearts to surpass in the grace God has given you.  Thank God for every gift: material, physical, mental, and spiritual.  It is a blessing.

Numbers 24, Isaiah 33, Romans 10, & 2 Corinthians 9

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