Saturday, September 16, 2023

Lord's Supper Prayer


    The Lord's supper is not just a ritual.  It is something that needs to be prepared for.  It is making sure your life and priorities are aligned with God and praying over it.  It is about remembrance, love, and sacrifice.  We do the Lord's Supper to honor and commune more closely with God.
    The Passover was instituted to remember how the angel of death passed over the homes of the people that obeyed God .  They did not only survive, but they escaped generations of slavery and abuse.  God's chosen people are not immune to the evils of the world.  We just have a way to get through and have hope.  
    God had heard His people's prayer and cries for help.  He allowed horrible things to happen to make a point:  I am God.  It happened so the oppressors could understand that they are not gods and they can't treat people like they are not special.  All people are special.  God saves people even though we are sinners.  In this case He also demonstrated His power and control over it all.  He also gave His people a chance to stand on their faith.  Living out our faith is a gift, not a consequence of salvation.
    Jesus celebrated the Passover to show us that some traditions are more than tradition.  It is a way to honor God.  If he honored the Passover, so should we.  He just changed things up a bit through His sacrifice.  We now can honor the Passover through the Lord's Supper.  You fast for eight days.  During that time you pray for guidance over where God wants you and with whom He wants in your life.  Pray over how to honor Him best in your life.  Fasting is just a diet if you don't pray and meditate over God's Word.
    When you pray in your fast it is vital that you be still and wait for His answer.  He will respond.  It just might not be immediate.  To fast, pray, and meditate is an act of obedience and it will lead to changes in your life.  It will reveal how you need to separate yourself from the world while still living in it.  It will bring blessings into your life as you grow and mature in your relationship with God. It will show you how to exam your own life with the view point of Jesus.
    Fasting, meditation, and prayer is not about denying yourself anything.  It is about pushing some things aside for a set amount of time to really evaluate yourself.  When you take a good look at yourself, you are able to see what kind of person you really are because God will reveal things that your peers will not necessarily see.  It is really important to know who you are to be able to be strong in your faith.
    Jesus instated the Lord's Supper to follow a fast.  It is meant to be an act of obedience that reveals death.  We have to honestly face death to understand what life is really about.  Disobedience leads to death, so it is safe to think that obedience leads to a more thriving life.  Jesus took the old and changed it to connect God with His people better.  Jesus knew what he was about to face, but he took the time to show us the way to be obedient.  
    What he was about to face would open the door to salvation for everyone who wants it.  No discrimination.  No hatred.  No suffering once you enter that door for eternity.  Jesus made us that go through the door of faith a part of his family.  That changes everything.
    The cross still is changing lives today.  It is a life changing event to really believe even when you do not understand.  Then truth starts to reveal it self the more time you spend with God and things become more clear.  The just sacrifice for the unjust, so that they can see Jesus in us.  It is not easy.  
    Salvation is not just a free pass into Heaven.  It is a life changing experience that should change you from the inside out.  You should find satisfaction and mercy where you are right now because you have been atoned.  You should be living out God's holiness and glory because Jesus covered your sins.  We just need to remember and that is why we have the Lord's Supper.  This is why we pray in preparation for the Lord's Supper.

Exodus 12:1-11, Matthew 26:17-30. 2 Corinthians 2:1-4, Galatians 6:14-16, & 1 John 4:9-10

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