Faith establishes a real relationship with God. Once you have that relationship established, then you can start making your other relationships stronger, better, or more real. You can move in life with confidence because your relationship with God is eternal. It defies reality by the human concept.
Faith is a catalyst of power that puts your life into motion. God is in the details, so you no longer have to worry about being in control. Learn self control, but allow God to do His part with the rest of the universe.
Faith produces morality that aligns with God's standards. The Holy Spirit and the Bible become your moral compass. God does all of this for a purpose. His design is intricate and perfect. We are the ones that mess it up, but God still does not give up on us. He is a part of your biology, mind set, and society. No matter how hard some people try, they can't cut God out.
Live your life faithfully without excuses. It is foolish to push God away because your relationship with God will be your most intimate relationship that you will ever have. If you never experience that, then you will never experience what you soul is searching for. I can't think of anything that is sadder than living an entire life without knowing and experiencing God's love.
Faith changes your perception on life. You are able to breath easier because you can trust Him to always be there. You can let go of controlling aspects of your personality because you understand true love and trust that the issues will be taken care of. You understand your feelings better and why they are indicators instead of controlling factors of your behavior.
God's timing is perfect. We may want it sooner, but once you see it all laid out, you can understand how it was perfect timing. God's ways are beyond our comprehension. That is why walking with Him is faith. Faith takes time to grow, but walking with God opens your eyes to a whole new world. It is predictable, but surprising. It is the true comfort and security in a relationship that we all need.
Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 14:1-3, 91:1-3, Romans 1:18-20, & Galatians 3:26-28
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