God the father is the creator of all living things. He is the creator of the world, universe, and beyond. He is the life giver. He created ever living person in their mother's womb. He did this out of love, not boredom.
God the father cares and provides. He gives us all we need. All we have to do is accept it and take it. We are accountable to Him. Sin askew our perception of the truth. It pushes us to rebel. We were born the enemy of God because we were born into our sinful nature. It comes natural. His gift of salvation is the only way to be aligned with God and become a part of His family. Going through Jesus is the only way for God to become your true father.
We all deserve destruction and all the bad that can happen. Not one person is exempt. However, God gave us a way to have a relationship with Him and to become holy, pure, and sanctified. It starts with salvation, but it becomes fellowship. He loves you like a perfect father would. That means He offers all the good the world can offer, but when we sin He will discipline us. He will not cave to our selfish desires or entitlement.
We are all God's creation, but we are not all in a relationship with God. You have to accept redemption to have a personal relationship with God. God the father and God the son relate to each other in perfect harmony. We need to align ourselves to be in sync with them. True Christians have the Holy Spirit to help us to get in rhythm with God and Jesus. After all true Christians are God's adopted children who are meant to live.
Malachi 2:10, Acts 17:24-26, 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, Galatians 3:26-28, & Ephesians 3:14-19
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