Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Depth of God's Love


    God's love has depth.  It runs so deep and so long that we are unable to comprehend it.  We know it is true through redemption.  We do not deserve to be accepted into the family of God, but when we accept Jesus and walk in faith that is what we get.  Salvation is adoption into God's intimate family unite.  It is forgiveness of all sin.  It is everything.
    To get a glimpse of how great God's love is for us is the story of the prodigal son.  The son did everything that disgraced his father.  He was entitled, selfish, and pushed his love ones far away.  However, when he needed his father, his father ran to him as if nothing had happened.  His father loved and celebrated his return home.
    God is waiting for each and every person in the same way.  He longs for a relationship with you.  He is the almighty, but He does most of the work to make the relationship possible.  What He desires is what is perfect in life.  That means the depth of His love is perfection.  We may never understand while we are alive, but I believe we will understand in the eternal life.
    God is all powerful.  He made you.  He knows you.  There is nothing you can do that will surprise Him.  You can hurt and anger Him, but it does not change the fact that He loves you.  You can't lie or manipulate God.  You will never have salvation on your terms.  He made it easy, so why fight His way?  
    To experience God's salvation is an opportunity to experience His love for you.  .  God's love is abundant.  It has no limits.  It does demand a response.  You only need to accept Jesus to become a Christian and experience God's love for eternity.  Or you can reject Him and be without anything substantial in your life for eternity.  Either way the choice is yours.

Matthew 19:23-26, Luke 15:11-32, Romans 5:6-11, Galatians 3:26-29, & Ephesians 3:14-19

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Depth of God's Love

      God's love has depth.  It runs so deep and so long that we are unable to comprehend it.  We know it is true through redemption.  W...