A faith summary is a declaration of what you believe. It is something that you are ready to defend. When it comes to church, it is the doctoral statement of faith. Today it does not look the same as it did when the first church formed, but the truth behind it never changes.
To be a Christians you have to have the faith summary that God is the father, Jesus the son came to live as a real human, but was still God. He died on the cross as the sacrificial lamb for all people. He rose again by His power. He ascended to Heaven still alive. He sent the Holy Spirit as the official stamp on the heart of all true believers.
God the creator is the original father. He was always the father of Jesus. Jesus was only human in a blink of an eye in comparison of eternity. The Bible is God's Word. It was inspired by Him through multiple people throughout 2,000 years. The Bible is not just a book. It is a love letter. It is powerful. It gives life.
Jesus is the Word. He is God that lived as a human. That means he hurt. He felt. He dealt with everything that we all deal with, but He did not sin. He is the only perfect human, yet so many people still find fault with him today.
Jesus is the Way. He is the only way to get to Heaven. You have to go through him on the cross. You have to metaphorically wash in his blood to become pure. It doesn't kill you, but it does kill your old nature. If you walk in faith, then nothing will be the same.
God chose to create people. He chose to be our ultimate father. The perfect father. He loves you in away that no person ever could. He made the way for you because of that love. He changed your identity, so you are no longer bound to the sin that put Jesus on that cross.
Proverbs 3:5-6, John 1:1-14, Galatians 3:26-29, & Hebrews 11:1-6
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