Friday, March 7, 2025

Truth That Transforms


    If you choose to live a life in faith, then the truth about Jesus will transform you.  Once you accept the gift of salvation, the door to revelation opens.  You will read the Bible as if it were for the first time.  It is no longer about understanding it logically, being able to argue it, or education.  It becomes a part of you as you begin to understand who God is and see the world through His eyes.
    God demonstrated His love for people by sending Jesus.  Jesus demonstrated true love in his life everyday and through his death.  The resurrection is what changed everything where we can understand love in a completely different way.  Those that really follow Jesus will demonstrate his love still today.
    Truth that transforms is the power of salvation.  It is time to confront the truth.  That is how you will see that it is truth and not opinion or feeling.  When you do, you will respond in faith or reject it.  Either way the choice is yours.
    God's Word you discover truth every time you read.  There is general truth and learning context.  That can take a long time, but a joyful process.  Then there is the the truth as it his you personally.  It is like a personalized revelation just for you.  That is the truth that can bring excitement or conviction.
    As you educate yourself on the Bible, you discover how to read it the best way where it places power into you.  You learn how to live, handle people, set boundaries, install morals, and all the other situations in life.  
    Jesus teaches you how to pray.  If you really read it, it can make you feel special because he prayed for you before he faced the cross.  The Gospel happened in a set time, but it is timeless because Jesus is timeless.  His message is still personalized for you, me, and everyone else.  
    Christians are connected by their faith in Jesus.  You have a role in this journey of life with Jesus.  It starts at salvation.  It becomes more clear or powerful during the discipleship training period.  Then it is lived out as you continue the process and life with the Holy Spirit.  The power changes your life, but also the lives of those around you.
    The truth unites you with God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and other believers.  Faith in Jesus changes you into someone better because it anchors you in the truth.  It provides supernatural power, but stability too.  When you start to feel lost or the world is burying you in lies, then you can always go back to God in the Bible, turn to Jesus for help, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit in prayer.  

Luke 8:16-18, John 17:9-26, Romans 1:16-17, 5:6-11, 12:1-2, & Ephesians 4:14-16

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