Friday, September 29, 2023



    Acbor means that which supports or keeps steadfast in a time of trial or doubt.  Acbor was a popular name in the old testament and it is easy to see why.  The name describes someone who is faithful, reliable, a leader.  Those are character qualities of a person you would want in your life.
    In the account of Esau, he became wealthy.  He moved past his twin's betrayal and being manipulated.  He became head of a strong family and eventually the nation of Edomites.  Acbor was one his descendants in Shaul.  He was apparently the father of a king.  His son was Baal-Hanan.  (v. 38-39)
      Josiah became king when he was eight years old.  He ruled 31 years doing what was right in the eyes of God.  He handled money with accountability, but he had never heard all of God's Word.  When he did, he mourned.  He sought to do what was right in attempts to stop God's anger against his nation.  
    In this story Acbor was a priest.  He went to speak with the prophetess, Huldah.  She gave him a report of disaster that would fall upon the people because they had forsaken God.  As this story comes to an end, God was happy with King Josiah's pure heart and how he responded to the crisis.  God allowed Josiah to live out his life and to be buried with his fathers before enacting His judgment.  Acbor did not play a huge role in the story, but he did take initiative to help his king and nation.  The king trusted him to do what was right.  He was a trustworthy messenger.
    In an historical record that starts with Adam and goes to Abraham,  It list all the family and the descendants over time.  It basically lays out the nations and what families they belong to.  Under the Edomites (Esau's family), Acbor was listed under the rulers as the father of Baal-Hanan.
    The last story is a story involving Acbor is of King Jehoiakim.  Jeremiah heard from God early on in Jehoiakim's reign.  God commanded His people to return to Him and worship Him.  They needed to turn from their evil ways or the entire nation would be cursed.  Instead of listening, the people were outraged and wanted to kill God's prophet.  
    King Jehoiakim wanted Jeremiah dead, so he sent people to go kill Jeremiah. Jeremiah's response was calm and he just pointed out if they killed him then they would have innocent blood on their hands.  People wanted him dead because he was a messenger from God.  This is where Acbor is mentioned.  He was the father of Elnathan who was sent to Egypt to kill Jeremiah.

Genesis 36, 2 Kings 22, 1 Chronicles 1, & Jeremiah 26

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