Thursday, September 28, 2023

Being FulFilled


    You have to empty yourself of all your self desires before you can be fulfilled by the Holy Spirit.  It has to be a willing sacrifice for it to work.  Once you do it will change everything.  You will discover a contentment that you never had before.  You may not always be happy, but you can hold onto your peace.
    Evangelism is part of being fulfilled.  It is where it overflows and you have to talk about what God is doing in your life.  It requires complete trust in Jesus.  The best reference is the Sermon on the Mount about attitudes.  The Beatitudes is where you discover how to have a fulfilled soul and contain blessings along the way.  
    Your attitude being like Jesus' attitude is the recipe for a happy and successful life.  The best way to live it out is to be His witness in the world you live in.  Obedience is the only way to please God, so it is the only way to be fulfilled.
    False hope fills us with empty air.  It may feel good for a moment, but it never last and you typically feel worse once it is gone.  It is better to take the time to learn what real hope is and the process to being righteous.  If you don't take the time, then you will become spiritually bankrupt.  
    It starts with facing your own sin, giving it to Jesus, embracing the relationship, and then allowing the Holy Spirit to help clean out all the bad and replace it with truth, love, and hope.  Sin only takes things away.  Readjust your vision, so that you can see that Jesus gives far more than he takes.
    Take time for prayer, reading the Bible, and meditating over what you read that day.  You will discover that your soul is becoming full.  You have to face how worthless your life is without Jesus to be able to change into someone worthy of being a part of His family.  
    It requires being honest with yourself and God.  It will break your heart, but when it is put back together it is stronger than it ever was before.  The deeper you go the stronger your heart becomes.  You just have to face God as who you are in this moment.  He will help you take care of the rest.
    The truth is that the problems in your life stem with you.  It is time to stop blaming God, other people, or the government.  Face what you can do differently today.  Acknowledge that your sin is yours.  It doesn't matter if it was learned or inherited.  It is still yours and you have to deal with it or it will consume your life.  It is a painful process, but when you come through it you are free.
    Grief, sorrow, comfort, and so many emotions run together at times.  Find the happy moments in the midst of it.  Find the clarity in the chaos.  This is where you can see the truth. It is proper to mourn over your sin, but at some point you have to relinquish it and move forward.  Be gentle and humble as it all comes together.  Being meek is not a bad things.  It is a true gift from God.
    As the Holy Spirit fulfills you, you will discover that your arrogance is disappearing.  You become more honest with yourself, God, and other people.  The opposite is legalism.  It is where your pride, work, and perfectionism take over your life.  You will never find true peace of purpose for life here.  To follow Jesus may make you look weak or pathetic to the world, but it also makes you holy.  Why care what the world thinks when they don't understand what you have that they do not?    

Psalms 57:1-6, Matthew 5:3-10, Acts 1:12-17, & Romans 13:8-10

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