Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wasted Opportunity


    There is a difference between wasted space and wasted opportunity.  Wasted Space is where there was opportunity once, but the time has passed or corroded the place, space, or item.  It could have been financially beneficial, beautiful, or useful once, but now it is just trash.  Wasted opportunity is more of missing your chance to do something really special or life changing.
    Godly leaders like Jeremiah never wasted opportunities.  They recognize them for what they are and they act.  They allow the Holy Spirit to lead them while they make the most of what is given to them in that moment in time.
    Wasted Opportunities are for the people that do not act.  The side affect is that they don't get to experience the gifts that were offered.  They do not grow.  They follow personal preference over the glory of God.  This leads to losing the fountain of living water.  They don't lose their salvation, but they lose the vibrancy that it gives.  Following God is the only way to live a vibrant life that benefits everyone around you.  God is the source of life.  Going your own way leads to indifference.  
    What kind of life do you want to live?  What do you want to be a part of?  Life is bigger than you, so you are a part of something like it or not.  Living your life to the fullest is being a part of something bigger than you.  That is representing God in your community, mission field, sports, and other activities in the world.  There is nothing worse than doing nothing.
    A fertile life is founded in truth given to us by God though His Word.  It is being faithfully fearful of God's power, not who He is.  It is having the ability to ignore other people's opinions and worldly consequences, so that we can embrace and be changed by His grace.  A fervent life is a life filled with righteousness.
    The worker is called and established by God.  He knows you better than you know yourself and will place you where you are best suited.  You have to have confidence in God's truth, so that you can go out into the world with no fear and represent him as an ambassador.  The worker is commissioned by God, like the 12 apostles.  That means that you know what your job is, you accept it, and you follow His direction trusting him to put the words in your mouth as needed no matter the situation.
    Working the Mission Field means that you will face opposition.  You may not feel like you are winning, but if you are following God then you can't lose.  God will protect you in all situations.  That does not mean that He will save your life an infinite amount of times.  We all die eventually, but your death will only be a moment instead of eternity.  You just need to represent the foundation of Heaven on Earth.  Live by Godly standards.
    To never waste an opportunity means that you have to learn to be sensitive.  Empathy and sympathy are a necessity.  You have to let go of the fear of offending people.  Instead be more concerned about offending the Holy Spirit.  
    Never waste an opportunity.  Live the life that has been given to you joyfully.  Do not be tolerant of the ways of the world, but live gracefully in this world.  The only way not to live a life full of wasted opportunity is to follow Jesus faithfully where ever that may be.  The only other option is to live among corruption that is wasting away for no purpose.  You can be a part of making the world better or worse.

Jeremiah 3-4 & Hosea 10:9-12

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