Sunday, October 1, 2023



    What is acceptable?  I think everyone has a different line they draw on what they find acceptable.  Acceptable is defined as suitable or able to be agreed upon, tolerable, or allowed.  God's definition of acceptable is clear: Obey His Word.
    We all hold sin in our heart, so how do we know that we are acceptable to God.  If left to our own devices, then we would fail every time.  God loves us enough to intervene.  He gave us direction.  He put it in writing.  He gave us leaders.  He sacrificed His only son.  He still is here today being a part of our lives.  
    We just need to see our faults for what they are and accept His gift of love and salvation.  We need to not deliberately sin, so that sin does not control us.  We want our love for God to control our behavior, so we can live guilt free. Meditate on God's Word, so that it will sink into your heart and heal it from it's evil desires.  This is how you please God.  Faith and focus is acceptable.
    When you accept the gift of love and salvation from God, you become a part of His family.  That means you have responsibilities as a member of the family.  No one gets to be a free loader.  He offers kindness that should not be ignored.  He helped you, so who will you help in return?  Now is the time you have to act.  Acting on the commands of God is acceptable behavior.
    God is our living temple.  Jesus is our cornerstone.  He was rejected, abused, and killed to honor God.  We are the living stones that build the spiritual church.  We are the Holy Priest that show the world sacrifice to please God.  Trust in God and you will not be disgraced.  Recognize God means you have to know Him.  To know God is the beginning of honoring Him.  To reject Him is not acceptable.  It leads to your own ruin.  They will stumble and fall into their horrendous fate.

Psalms 19:12-14, 2 Corinthians 6:1-2, & 1 Peter 2:4-8

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